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Actually, when IDF Fall 2002, intel has announced concept of "Radio Free Intel" , publish the Banias platform that will cover Wi-Fi technology. 其实,在IDF Fall 2002时,英特尔就已经揭示"Radio Free Intel"概念,并公布将涵盖Wi-Fi技术的Banias平台。
Will announce at the 2003 message that rolls out Banias first quarter from Intel company that rises momently in fact, people had begun to have too much expectation and guess. 事实上从Intel公司将于2003第一季度推出Banias的消息宣布那一刻起,人们就已经开始有了太多的期待与猜测。
The technology could also get a big boost next year from a new Intel chip for laptops known as Banias,which includes wireless connectivity that now has to be plugged in separately. 由于英特尔公司一种称为"巴尼亚斯"的笔记本电脑芯片的问世,无线保真技术明年还会有一个巨大的飞跃。该芯片包含了无线网络连接功能。而现在的笔记本电脑只能通过独立的外接插件才能上网。
Centrino brand includes Pentium M processor (call set of chip of PC of Banias) , 855 series and PRO/Wireless 2100 series 3 main products such as module of wireless network news report formerly. Centrino品牌包括Pentium M处理器(原称Banias)、855系列PC芯片组以及PRO/Wireless 2100系列无线网络通讯模块等三个主要产品。