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It can be used as a JIT compiler back-end for scripting languages, or for dynamic code generation of optimized inner loops. 它可以用作脚本语言的或代码内循环动态优化的一个JIT编译器后台。
The numerical examples of real-time code generation for dynamic model matrix elements and simulation calculation are given for illustration. 给出了动力学模型矩阵元素的实时代码生成和驱动力矩与参数关系的具体数值实例。
Dynamic code instrumentation, combined with hybrid code generation and source breakpoint identification, provides a well-suited solution to those problems. 并针对上述问题,提出了预编译与运行时编译结合的代码生成方式、动态代码插装、源断点标识技术等解决方案。