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In England she received her Diploma for Curative Eurythmy. 在英格兰她取得了治疗性音语舞学位。
She studied for four years at the Academy of Eurythmy in Munich , where she received her Diploma. 她在慕尼黑音语舞学院学习了四年,拿到学位。
Architecture depends on Order , Arrangement , Eurythmy, Symmetry, Propriety, and Economy. (工作的)架构取决于规则,安排,和谐,匀称,妥当以及经济等诸多因素。
It was a natural development to follow this with a Eurythmy Training, recognized since 1999 by the Section of Eurythmy in Dornach , Switzerland . 之后的音语舞培训就顺理成章了。
In 1985 she moved to Australia , taught for five years at the Rudolf Steiner School in Melbourne and worked as a Eurythmy Therapist in the Anthroposophical Clinic for Cancer patients. 1985年,她迁到澳大利亚,在墨尔本的史坦纳学校任教五年,同时在人智学诊所担任癌症病人的音语舞治疗师。