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Why some phrases that are in agreement with grammatical rules do not make sense? 有些符合语法规则的短语不能成立,究其根本原因在于语义。
A sentence is considered grammatical when it is in agreement with the grammatical knowledge in the mind of native speakers. 句子的语法性是指句子的合成必须符合操本族语者头脑中的语法知识。
Like verb agreement in spoken languages, verb agreement in signed languages is a grammatical system, since it involves systematic encoding of syntactic and thematic roles. 和有声语言中动词呼应一样,手语中动词呼应也暗含句法角色和题元角色,因而它也应该被看作是一个语法系统。
Beware of common grammatical mistakes, like subject-verb agreement. FORBES: Magazine Article