human wastes
- Environmental engineers are concerned with the disposal of human wastes.
环境工程师们关心人类排泄物的处置。 - Human waste was tanked underground.
人类垃圾被放入垃圾箱,埋入地下。 - Unfortunately, rapid and poorly planned development is spoiling this beauty in a shocking way: a growing number of beaches and shellfish beds along the coast have been contaminated by disease-causing microorganisms coming from animal and human wastes.
然而好景不常,快速、计画不周的开发,正一步步摧毁这些美好的事物:美国沿岸越来越多的海滩及贝类养殖场,正受到来自人类与动物排泄物的致病微生物污染。 - People can get it from water or food that comes in contact with human waste.
人们可以由于接触被人类排泄物污染的食物或水源而受到感染。 - It remains a major problem in tropical countries, where it spreads through human waste used to fertilize crops.