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Moreover, naming the brother as well as the father on an ossuary was "very unusual," Lemaire says. 而且,据勒迈里说,在墓志铭中同时提及兄弟和父亲的名字显得"很不寻常"。
Moreover,naming the brother as well as the father on an ossuary was "very unusual," Lemaire says. 而且,据勒迈里说,在墓志铭中同时提及兄弟和父亲的名字显得“很不同”。
An inscription had been found on an ancient bone box (ossuary) that reads “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus. 在一个古代的藏骨柜上发现了以下的镌刻文字:“雅名,约瑟之子,耶稣的兄弟”。
The family relationships contained on the ossuary helped experts uncover that the inscription very likely refers to the biblical James, brother of Jesus. 记载于藏骨棺上的家庭关系有助于专家确定,此铭文极可能与圣经中耶稣的兄弟雅各脱不了关系。
Wherever there are Chinese you will find ancestral tablets. This ossuary has been specially set up in Yokohama's Chinese cemetery for their veneration. 有中国人的地方就有祖宗牌位,日本横滨中华义庄内特设安骨堂,供奉先人牌位。