vis major
- The defendant can excuse himself by showing that the loss was owing to the plaintiff or the act of God , or vis major (a great or superior force).
被告可以通过证明损失系由原告自己或不可抗力因素造成而免除自己的责任。 - When vis major has terminated, the holder must without delay present the cheque for payment and, if need be, procure a protest to be drawn up or an equivalent declaration made.
事变终止后,执票人应急速为支票的提示,或遇必要时作成拒绝证书,或同等声明。 - The skirmish grew into a major battle.
小冲突扩大形成大战斗。 - Some slight incident may touch off a major war.
某个小事件可能会引发大战争。 - Local fighting might spark off a major war.