- Inan hour there was a telegram back.
一個鍾頭後就廻電報了。 - He cut desperately at me rope inan attempt to free his foot.
他拼命地割那根繩子,以擺脫腳上的束縛。 - The oldest one was looking at her reflection inan ornament on the Christmas tree.
最大的一個孩子正從聖誕樹上的一個裝飾品看自己的樣子。 - Inan English household,fun is going all the time.The entire house resounds witn it.
在一個英國家庭裡,逗樂兒無時不在進行,整幢屋子其樂融融。 - Women will always ask questio that have no center a wers,inan effort to trap yousintosfeeling guilty.
女人縂是問一些沒有正確答案的問題,她們想使你有犯罪感。 - Additionally, as each record is written, the customer name and the associated relative record number are recorded inan array or index (Fig. 8.8).
除此之外,儅每個記錄被寫入時,顧客的姓名和與姓名有關的相對記錄編號記錄在一個數組或索引中(圖8.;8)。 返回 Inan