- Buf Input buffer for decompression.
解壓的輸入緩沖。 - Buf Output buffer for writing compressed data.
寫壓縮數據的輸出緩沖區。 - BUF A Unicode string with no terminating null and no leading byte.
既沒有首長度,也沒有null結尾。每個字符用兩字節表示。比較難弄。 - She thought that this made her elegant,buf,in fact,it only made her more ugly.
她自己以爲很美,其實這樣一來卻更顯得醜了,連行人看見了都躲得遠遠的。 - The Length of the string is automatically set to the right value after assigning buf to the string.
把緩沖區賦值給字符串後,字符串的長度將自動設置成正確的值。 - Que, As 2O 3 alone or IFN in combination with Buf can reinforce the sensitivity of HL-60/ADR cells to ADR.
Que、As2 O3能增加 HL- 6 0 / ADR對阿黴素的敏感性 ,逆轉其耐葯 ,IFN與 Buf聯郃亦能增敏及逆轉耐葯 返回 buffings