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Sam (one of my fellow bus passengers) is celebrating a birthday and we must party. 同車旅伴山姆過生日,我們要開一個派對。
The principality resembles the global future because it has two classes: jet-owners and bus passengers. 之所以說這個公國倣彿就是未來世界,是因爲這裡衹有兩個堦層:擁有噴氣式飛機的人和乘坐巴士的人。
A group of black activist women in Montgomery was known as the Women's Political Council. The group was working to oppose the mistreatment of black bus passengers. 矇哥馬利的一個黑人婦女活動組織是著名的一個婦女政治理事會,這個組織正在努力反對黑人在公交車上所受到的不公平待遇。
The group was working to oppose the mistreatment of black bus passengers.
The bus carries passengers in communities around Sao Paulo.
Employers can't deny jobs to those convicted of drug use--hardly great news for airline and bus passengers, among others. FORBES: PERNICIOUS PROPOSITION
On the other hand, royal treatment for bus passengers can save the atmosphere just by getting people out of their cars. FORBES: Magazine Article